MBOX to PST Converter free trial available for Mac, offering a wide range of powerful features while maintaining simplicity and ease of use.
New version 3.8 is available now, get it today!

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MBOX to PST Converter Free Trial
A software application to convert MBOX to PST files is too many but it is tiring to find the one that will work. Moving your personal emails and other contents can be daunting for many, and MBOX to PST only makes it more so.
The Best MBOX to PST Converter for Mac Available Today!
This is why if you do not want to face the usual problems with it, it is necessary to get a proper software tool that gives you chance to effortlessly migrate data. And lucky for you, we have exactly one such tool called Mail Extractor Pro.
It is sharp, to the point, and yet, offers many functions that otherwise even the sophisticated tools miss. And on top of all that, it is incredibly simple to use. The algorithms used deliver comprehensive and detailed output. In other words, it yields no data integrity errors or gaps in your emails, like broken images, missing attachments, and so on.
How It Works
The short tutorial below reflects how simple it makes the task of converting MBOX to PST:
Total Time: 9 minutes
Install and Launch
Install and launch ‘Mail Extractor Pro’ on your Mac system.
Load MBOX data into it
After installing, click on “Load” inside the MBOX Files section.
For Single MBOX file
Browse to your MBOX file and select, then click on ‘Open’ to load data into it.
For Multiple MBOX files
If you have multiple mbox files, then select a folder containing MBOX files and click on ‘Open’.
Next, you can un-check the folders to exclude from the output. You can also ignore empty folders by click on ‘Ignore Empty Folders‘. Then set output PST file size, if your Mailbox is big in size.
Click on ‘Convert‘. Then select a folder to save your output PST file, click on ‘Save‘ and begin converting.
Converting your data into pst
The tool will convert data for few minutes (depending on the size of selected MBOX).
Get your output files
When over, you will get clean and extract copy of the input in the form of PST files. Click on ‘Locate Converted PST‘ to get your output *.pst file and click on ‘Open Full Report‘ to get the detail log report on your mbox to pst conversion.
You are now free to import them to Outlook. Keep in mind that PST is supported in Mac version too.
The Advance MBOX to PST Converter Tool
Despite being very simple and straightforward, the inner working of the tool is sophisticated and cutting-edge. That is how it is able to protect your details and process them without slipups.
More often than not, it is seen that an ordinary MBOX to PST converter free app will result in massive flaws in data or at least, in the structure. It is tricky to keep everything at its original place while converting complex information from emails. But ‘Mail Extractor Pro’ is built with all those challenges under consideration. As a result, you will not notice any of those flaws.
More About This MBOX to PST Converter, You Need to Know:
- It deals with Unicode content using specially written algorithms
- Mapping folder hierarchy from MBOX to PST files also depends upon dedicated network of scripts that process it correctly
- It also converts Apple Mail archive or native folder directly, also including Thunderbird and Postbox
- You can split the large PST files if you want (specify the size-limit)
- The detailed conversion log is full of information about the conversion process that can come in handy in large conversion tasks (like in offices)
- One-click button to ignore the empty folders
- 24 x 7 expert support of USL Software
- And much more
MBOX to PST Converter Free for Evaluation!
There is no other MBOX to PST converter free trial that comes close to how effectively “Mail Extractor Pro” works in all settings. Available in a free trial version that you can download right away.
Here are the detailed tutorial that helps you to evaluate the mbox to pst converter free trial version.
Mail Extractor Pro Optional Settings:
- Ignore Empty Folders – If you check this, then it will ignore all your empty folders from conversion.
- Check/Uncheck Folders – You choose what you want to convert or not from the preview panel. All folders are selected by default.
- Set the output PST file size – Microsoft Outlook does not support large PST file to import. So it helps you split the PST file as required file size.
How to Convert MBOX file to PST
- Click on ‘MBOX Files: Load“
- Select a single MBOX File or Select a folder containing mbox files.
- Then Click “Open”
- Check optional settings.
- Click “Convert”
How to Convert Apple Mail MBOX to PST

- Click on “Apple Mail: Load“
- Loading Data
- Auto Load – To automatically load Apple Mail Data
- Open– To browse and a locate Apple Mail Export Mailbox or Mail folder copied
- Check Optional Settings
- Click on “Convert“
How to Convert Thunderbird MBOX to PST

- Click on “Thunderbird/Postbox: Load“
- Select Source as Thunderbird
- Load Thunderbird Data
- Auto Load – To automatically load Thunderbird Data
- Open– To browse and a locate Thunderbird Profile folder copied
- Check Optional Settings
- Click on “Convert”
How to Convert Postbox MBOX to PST

- Click on “Thunderbird/Postbox: Load“
- Select Source as Postbox
- Load Postbox Data
- Auto Load – To automatically load Postbox Data
- Open– To browse and a locate Postbox Profile folder copied
- Check Optional Settings
- Click on “Convert”
MBOX to PST Converter With Delightfully Clean Interface and Migration Power!
You would be delighted to know that the MBOX to PST converter free version of the ‘Mail Extractor Pro‘ is now publicly available to try it out. Simple; but not limited!
Mail Extractor Pro joins the ranks of USL Software’s ultimate email migration product lineup. It is equipped with the same power and features other tools of USL Software have been.
Delightfully simply, yet no compromises to power. The tool is simple to use but not limited in any way.
You can begin your free trial mode in two minutes: download the setup file, install, and fire it up! It is the most preferable way to test it thoroughly without risks.
If cannot download the setup file right now for some reason, here are the key features that justify the praise it has been getting, and make you easier to understand why many professionals endorse it heartedly.
Interface: Basic but not Limited
Firstly, the UI is what gets the attention, whether or not you are looking for it. The first second after you starting it up, the simplicity with jump out at you. The minimal interface makes everything seem super-easy and quick to even the non-trained eyes. From the first step to the last, you will feel naturally at ease with an otherwise seemingly complex task.
Adaptive and Real-time Scripts To retain the essence of original data
Secondly, the biggest quality of “Mail Extractor Pro” requires you to open the converted PST files in the end. When you do so, you will realize every bit of your original content was taken care of expertly by the tool’s sophisticated system. It can process the tiniest bit of data inside MBOX and results in zero lapses in data fidelity.
The adaptive and layered engine responsible for handling information is precise and gets to heart of every content stored in the files. There are also computing algorithms that are dedicated to unique sets of data types, such as headers, Unicode content, graphical components, and so on. Such a detailed mechanism ensures zero harm to the essence of your original data.
Speed that Dazzles
Fast conversion speed can be detrimental in generic MBOX to PST converter free tool; not in “Mail Extractor Pro“.
The MBOX to PST converter runs quickly but not weakening the stability and performance or accuracy. Saving your precious time is what runs at the heart of every software application and is only noticeable when an app is painfully slow. With this tool, you can convert large MBOX file to PST quickly and keeping the time for your other more important work.
All three features stated above: interface, data fidelity, and speed is at the heart of the success of “Mail Extractor Pro“. But truth be told, there are dozens of other tiny elements that come together as a whole and make it the truly one professional app for MBOX to PST converter that cannot be compared.
And the first step to get behind the action is the mbox to pst converter free trial version. Download it without any hassles.
USL Software also provides:
- Technical support at all times day or night, through chat or email
- Teamviewer support to help you in your conversion even more
- free lifetime updates
- Different licenses for different needs (for activation)
Lastly, if you need to convert PST to MBOX, there is another similar tool with virtually the same features, called “PST Extractor Pro“.
Both tools have free trial versions, different licensing packages, tech support, and work on MacOS.
Try this mbox to pst converter free trial version today and convert MBOX file from any sources.