If you are about to convert Apple Mail to PST file, stop…and read the following statement.
Convert Apple Mail to PST file for Mac & Win Outlook
Most of the email migration, Apple Mail to PST including, result in loss of countless hours. Time is money and thus dealing with complex process, like converting Apple Mail to PST is a frustrating and concerning thing for today’s users.
If you are the kind of person that felt uncomfortable reading the preceding paragraph, you need to throw away all that you have ever learned about Apple Mail to Windows Outlook migration – and the tools you have used for this purpose.
The truth is, most of the ordinary tools in the market, and the manual conversion methods, take a lot of time in converting Apple Mail to PST.
Do you want that?
We live in a competitive world, in a productivity-hungry world, where time is not a vague concept, but holds a very solid and concrete value. In fact, the inherent value of a software, since the beginning of a digital age, has always been to save time and make lives much simpler. Why isn’t the same rule applied in email migration?
Take action and change your old ways.
Below are the real, substantial, and practical actions you can take as your first steps towards saving time.
NEVER invest in an ordinary email migration tool. By investing, we mean not only in terms of money, but also in terms of time and efforts. Freeware and cheap tools may allure some of the users, but always disappoint in the end.
In addition, NEVER go for the manual conversion methods of Apple Mail to PST file. There exist in-built features that could indirectly be used to convert the data from Apple Mail and make the files supporting for Outlook in Windows. However, it is a multi-step process including highly convoluted concepts, a prior experience in doing so, a loss of time, and not to mention, contains the high risk of data loss.
Our recommendation is to keep away from all those tutorials that teach manual steps for Apple Mail to PST conversion. They are not at all helpful in regards to factors that you regard highly, like – efficiency, accuracy, and safety.
So, what a user CAN actually do?
Stick to professionally built apps for email migration and for Apple Mail to PST migration.
One of the best in our years of experience with trials and tests is “Mail Extractor Pro”.
It not only adheres to all the essential features and the pre-requisites of the job, but also comes at an unbelievable package that makes it one of the most economical products under the discussed category.
If your major concern is the loss of time, Mail Extractor Pro will be your savior.
Get it to convert Apple Mail to PST file
Do not let another single second waste in the search of the perfect tool. Instead, try Mail Extractor Pro without any cost and totally risk-free. Download the free trial version here; and experience the efficiency and speed personally.
The free copy is for evaluation and allows you to test the software before investing your hard-earned money. We want you to put invest money in confidence.
![convert apple mail to pst file](https://www.mailextractorpro.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/convert-apple-mail-to-pst-file.png)
To convert Apple Mail to PST file, try and see how efficiently it does the job.